Sony Releases A Rather Cryptic Teaser Video

Sony released a rather interesting video today, possibly teasing their upcoming event at CES.  The video doesn’t explicitly reveal anything but there are some very interesting shots throughout the video that may be hints of things to come.

First off, there’s an incredibly thin device shown at the beginning of the video.  To me, it looks like a tablet but it might also be a new smartphone.  The number 5 is also quite prominent throughout the video and this is likely pointing to the date of the CES event, January 5, 2024.  The video is also filled with very crisp and vibrant images which, to me, hints at some new screen technology.  My guess is that Sony has some sort of QHD display equipped device planned.

The most obvious hint throughout the whole video has to be the girl licking the lollipop.  As we shared yesterday, Sony is planning to begin their Lollipop roll out early in the new year so their event at CES may be the launching point for their updated software.

With CES quickly closing in on us, chances are that more of these cryptic messages will begin flooding the web from various manufacturers.

[XperiaBlog / YouTube]

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