Humour: Reporter Thinks iPhone 5 Has Laser Keyboard?

I said it before: I don’t necessarily like to fuel the Android vs. Apple fires.  And I’m not sure if that’s what this post is or if it’s just shows how misled some people are… nevertheless here’s the story.

Since the announcement of the iPhone 5, there have been a few videos here and there mocking the product, Apple, and their iSheep.  If you haven’t seen what Jimmy Kimmel pulled on his show, check it out.

But that’s not the story I wanted to talk about today.  Below is a video from FOX news.  That’s right an actual news report.  The reporter is covering the story of all those who are waiting outside for days to be the first to get a hold of the new iPhone.  However, the reporter is greatly misinformed as to what the phone can really do.  She likely saw or read about some of the concepts and believe that to be the next iPhone.  So she claims in her report (which again is aired on television!) that the iPhone 5 comes with a laser keyboard and holographic display.  Well…. somebody needs to do a little more research before she does any more stories!


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