
Could This Be Samsung’s Rumoured Smart Watch? (Screenshots)

Some of you may be aware of the rumours this week surrounding Apple’s development of some sort of iWatch. Of course, as Samsung seems to be making everything these days, there have been murmurs around the Internet suggesting the company is looking to get into the smartwatch action as well. Tim posted this week that a smartwatch may be part of the Galaxy S IV and Galaxy S IV Mini launch next month, and today, we received some purported screenshots from a device called the “Galaxy Altius” in action.

Now, in case you’re wondering about the source of these images, they were downloaded from a Korean message board about the discussion of smartwatch technology. I know that’s not much to go on, but what’s interesting is to see the network operator, STK, located in the top-left corner, indicating the watch will have some sort of network connectivity. There is no way to know from these images if this UI is based on Android or whether it’s meant to be a second interface for one’s Samsung smartphone.

A writer over at Sam Mobile casts doubt about the authenticity of the images as “Altius” is thought to be the codename for the Galaxy S IV phone. In addition, as you can see by the images above, the “Altius” codename is fully on display, something Samsung has never done previously with their splash screens.  The writer at Sam Mobile goes on to explain that the UI doesn’t meet “Samsung’s UX guidelines” with the mirroring effect goes somewhat against what we’ve seen before in the company’s branding.

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