
More Speculative Specs For The Rumoured Sony Phablet



The first rumours of a Sony phablet were very much tied to the picture you see above of a massive screen.  This was followed by rumours that Sony was planning to release their very own phablet with a massive 6.4″ display.  We still haven’t seen anything concrete or heard anything official from Sony that they are working on such a device but that hasn’t kept the rumours from flowing of what is currently known as the L4 or Togari.

The latest rumours have given us some more details regarding the specs as well as one other very interesting tidbit.  In terms of the specs, it’s expected to feature that massvie 6.4″ 1080p display and a Snapdragon 600 or 800 processor.  It will likely come with 2GB of RAM and the same 13MP shooter found on the Xperia Z and ZL.  NFC and the IR sensors will also be found on the device.  Now the interesting part is that the screen is rumoured to respond not only to your finger or a stylus but also to your every day pen or pencil.  I’m not sure how I’d feel about taking a pen or pencil to my shiny new toy but it’s an interesting idea nonetheless.

In terms of an official unveiling for this device, reports point to either IFA in Berlin this year (which takes place in September) or CES 2024 (which takes place in January).  In my opinion, Sony can’t wait until next year to release their next batch of flagship devices as they are currently a good deal behind the top dogs in the Android market.  They’ve definitely gained some momentum with the Xperia Z and Xperia Tablet Z and they need to keep that momentum going by remaining at the forefront of new releases.

What do you guys think about these rumours?  Would you want a 6.4″ device?  Would you take a pen or pencil to your screen?

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