NewsRogers: Canada's Mobile Telecom Giants

BREAKING: Latest Rogers HTC Dream Pricing is $149.99 on 3 Year Contract

Hey everyone, we have some breaking news! We were sent an anonymous email from an insider regarding the Rogers Revolution pricing on the Android units. Specifically, the HTC Dream will be priced for $149.99 on a 3 year contract, not the $199 as reported earlier by BGR.

Moreover, what makes this interesting is that it’s a very reasonable price for an Android phone, albeit the Dream is the first generation HTC model. Also, we got word that each Rogers store and Future Shop/Best Buy will only have 4-5 Android units on site.

That means get ready for a shortfall, as these Android units are going to sell like hotcakes. A lot of buzz has been leading up this launch on June 2nd and a lot of people are excited about what Android is going to bring to the smartphone wars.

If I were you though, I’d wait a while before jumping and committing to a 3 year contract with Rogers for the HTC Dream or Magic. A new iPhone is possibly coming and the Palm Pre is set to launch too. Moreover, more mobile companies will be pushing out Android units. We will have some more info coming on plans and possibly early unboxing pictures


If I am going to get an Android unit, it would have to be the Magic as it’s the 2nd generation. What about you guys?

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