NewsPress Event

AndroidTO Conference October 25

Just as I was getting really in the dumps about not being able to go to the Big Android BBQ in Texas later this month, and after seeing Derek Ross’ pass for CES 2024 I was starting to feel really ‘out of touch’.  le sigh.

Then, I saw this:

I don’t remember this option last year at all, but I can’t think that it’s new.  I can’t get to Las Vegas, or Texas… not even New York (for the Galaxy Note 2 release), but I could pull off Toronto… maybe.

Nice.  Got some interesting speakers, I’m especially interested in James Wu‘s speech on Tablet UX, and Boris Chan‘s on Social Media… especially Matt Patience‘s on multi screen.

Registration’s up and it’s $200 for the day ($50 if you’re a student).  Which seems steep, but hey, it’s not too bad really … plus they’ve got some great sponsors.  Gotta love swag at these events.

Are you going?

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