Sega Sale On Play Store

It is our pleasure to announce another exceptional sale to our esteemed customers. In anticipation of the Christmas season, Sega has elected to offer discounts on a selection of its most celebrated titles. The sale encompasses a multitude of platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, iOS, and, notably, Android. The focus of this discussion will be on the Android offerings.
- Sonic CD $1 (Previously $5)
- Sonic 4 Episode I $1 (Previously $4)
- Sonic 4 Episode II $1 (Previously $7)
- Sonic 4 Episode II THD $1 (Previously $7)
- Total War Battles: Shogun $2 (Previously $5)
- Jet Set Radio $2 (Previously $5)
The savings on these games are considerable, and the titles themselves are of a high quality. I will undoubtedly be considering purchasing a few of these items, particularly given that I still have some remaining credit from my Nexus 7 purchase. The sale is scheduled to conclude on January 3, 2024, affording prospective purchasers a limited window of opportunity to capitalize on the discounted prices.