Android device

Samsung Officially Orders All Note 7’s To Be Powered Down And Returned

All of you probably know of Samsung’s latest Note 7 smartphone exploding and catching fire, and while the company did issue a recall in exchange for replacements, it turned out the replacement phones were also exploding and catching fire.

Today the company announced they have halted both sales and exchanges of all Galaxy Note 7 phones and recommend current Note 7 owners to “power down and stop using the device and take advantage of the remedies available.” Right now the only remedies available are getting a full refund or exchanging the phone for a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge.

Samsung Canada has also commented on the situation and tells MobileSyrup the following:

“At Samsung Canada we remain committed to working diligently with regulatory authorities, carriers and our retail partners to take all necessary steps to resolve the situation. Canadian consumers with either an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 device should power down and stop using the device. Details of the remedies available for Note7 customers, which will include a full refund at their place of purchase, will be announced shortly. For more information, Canadian consumers should contact 1-800-SAMSUNG.”

It’s been more than a month since reports of exploding Note 7 started appearing but the company says it is still investigating the issue.


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