
LG Releases New Teaser Video For The G2

Apple has been doing it forever, Samsung already nailed it, HTC is learning and Motorola is getting surprisingly good at it these latest weeks. What are we talking about? Hyping up your device, a daring maneuver to gather attention of the public to your upcoming release. LG was feeling left out and so they’re doing all in their power to hype up the release of the G2.

The latest stunt is a teaser video featuring the upcoming flagship. The video tries to give the idea of the amazing human qualities you will find in the LG G2. This human feel should make the device more approachable and made for you. The video also shows the rear-facing power and volume buttons that are one off the stand-out features of the device.

You’ll have to wait for the 7th of August to find out more about the flagship device and all the features and specs that really matter. However, for now you can get overexcited watching the teaser video, which ultimately is LG’s point with all of these tricks. Don’t forget to leave your comments on the section below.

[Via Talkandroid]

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