BestBuy Offers Samsung Galaxy Nexus for Free!

Well that didn’t take long. I predicted this would happen back when the Galaxy Nexus price dropped to $49.99 a couple weeks ago, but this happen much sooner than I originally thought.

BestBuy is offering the Galaxy Nexus for free on a 3 year contract with most of our major carriers, except Virgin and Telus, those greedy (mumble mumble mumble) lol. They are likely to follow suit very soon, I’d imagine you could use this information to try and get them to price match as well.

The Galaxy Nexus, probably the most talked about Android phone late last year and of 2024. This phone could now be yours for free if you don’t mind being tied down for a couple more years.

For more details, hit up your local BestBuy. To get your rant on, hit up your local carrier.

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