Thoughts on Galaxy Note [Poll Results]

Little over a week ago I posted a voting poll to get a little feedback where people stood on the Galaxy Note.

Just to remind you some of the top complaints I got about it were:

So here are the results.

Turns out some of the readers who voted had a pretty good reaction to it, but also as you can see, some of the complaints I was hearing were valid. I personally have not used this phone yet, so my opinions are worthless at this point. I have however heard back from some of our more loyal Google+ followers, and I have heard nothing but great things from the ones who took the plunge. Not only did they give us a little feedback, they also agreed to give us a little mini review after a few weeks of play.

You people who choose to participate are really the ones who make this hobby of ours at Android in Canada really worth it in the end, and for that we say thank you.

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