Transparent Phone Anyone?

Apple and Samsung are cool, but Polytron Technologies aims higher - at the fully transparent smartphone!

The movie, Minority Report, had some of the coolest tech concepts I had ever seen.  Some of it looked amazing, like the way he interacted with the virtual computer screen, while other technologies were just creepy, like the computers constantly scanning your eyes wherever you went.  Regardless of how you feel about such technologies though, they are slowly, but surely, coming to life and today we’re seeing another “straight out of a Sci-Fi movie” concept becoming a reality.

A Taiwanese company, Polytron Technologies, has put together a almost fully transparent phone.  I say almost because there are still pieces that are very much visible, such as the micro SD Card and camera.  However, the majority of the housing is made of glass with a transparent touchscreen in the middle.

I don’t believe this is the first attempt at a transparent device, as I’m pretty certain I’ve seen a transparent cell phone concept before, but this may be the first smartphone to take that step.

The company believes that they could have fully functioning smartphones available by the end of 2024.  It’d be awesome to see such a device this year but I don’t think we’re quite there yet.  Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see what the future may hold for the mobile tech industry.


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