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[Question Answered] Should you get the Note?

Okay, a while back I’ve asked you to give me your questions and I’ll attempt to answer them.

Overwhelmingly I get a ton of “when am I seeing JellyBean on my <insert device name here>”, let a lone a lot of ‘what the heck is YAKJUUX’… I’m still working on getting answers out of Samsung.  So hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon.

In the mean time, I dive back into the question bag to answer what I can.

There’s a few that are truly technical questions that I’m still researching (i.e. the bluetooth connection) or the carrier specific (i.e. should the phone that was originally on Telus, but now on Rogers still get updates from Telus?) and then there’s the question of ‘unlimited RAM’, which I’m not quite understanding.

Anywho, here’s the question I’m going to look over:

“Is the Note annotation worth the investment? Considering a +Samsung Canada Note 10.1 – annotation of pdf documents and whiteboard apps is the major selling feature. Currently I find iOS (even on the original iPad hardware) outperforms the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Honeycomb) significantly, but isn’t good enough. I’ve tried many different styli and the Android Galaxy Tab isn’t nearly accurate enough … iPad isn’t quite there.

So should I go Note 10.1 or wait for Nexus 10.1?”

When I played with the Galaxy Note, I really REALLY enjoyed playing with the stylus.  Seeing all the hype about the new Note 10.1 has got me excited.  One of the issues I had with the stylus was that it couldn’t be used to touch the ‘soft buttons’, but a full on tablet should be fine in that manner.  Again, let’s look at the tablet sneak peek:

Pretty cool.  Yeah, the annotation stuff looks as though it’s only really using the S-Note application.  Now there’ll probably be some 3rd party apps, as well as I believe the new Adobe Reader allows for some annotations.  Is it the feature that is the ‘buy it or not’… ?  I don’t think so.  But that’s just me.

Putting it up against the iPad is a tough call.  Really comparing apples to oranges (no pun intended… well, how about apples to ice cream sandwiches).  I’m imagining the stylus works a lot better than a standard stylus as it’s a different technology.  Software-wise, ICS is an amazing leap from Gingerbread that it is much more fluid.  How much better than iOS… well I don’t use iOS on a daily basis, but from what I have used of it ICS is an amazingly well integrated ecosystem.  With some of the features of TouchWiz as they show with side by side running… it’ll be pretty amazing.

Comparing them side by side you get:

Note 10.1



1.4GHz x4 Exynos  1GHz x2 A5


10.1″ @ 800×1280 9.7″ @ 1536×2048


3MP / 2MP 5MP / 0.3MP

external storage

microSD only via adapters purchased separately


589g 662g

Also, from there’s this:

taken from:

So, it looks like it’s a back and forth on the whole for either tablet.  Seeing as we’re an Android blog, we have defend some of those points that the Note fails out on:

In response to the ‘well the iPad has a higher resolution‘, I want you to read this:  News Flash: Surface Pro has a Better Retina Display than the iPad).

As for the Camera, is having a better camera really that much of a feature?  I’ve never used my TF101 as a camera… only for video conferencing.  It’s for that reason the Nexus 7 didn’t come with a back.  So because the Note has a better front facing camera, it should win that category.

Overall, I think it’s going to be the integrated pen that would sway me.  It’s the wait that’ll kill me.  But the big factor I like to talk to folk about when choosing Android/iOS, is whether you’re in the ecosystem or not.  If you’ve got iTunes and app purchases etc… already, then it’s probably best to not switch, unless you want to leave entirely that life behind.  Working dually is hard.

But the choice is yours.

Readers:  what would you recommend?


So, what other questions do you have for me… have at ‘er.

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