Ask A Question of an AiC staff – get an Android answer!

In hopes to help bring everybody into the ‘community’ here at AiC, I’m trying to find ways to bring us all together and converse more.

It’s one thing to continually push articles at you day after day, but what really got me turned on to Android in the beginning was how folks quickly interacted with each other.  Also, with the huge gains in the Android community (I’m seeing more and more folk that I wouldn’t have assumed to go with a ‘droid pick one up) there’s a lot of new folk among this rank.  And I’d like to help get them up to speed as well.

Here’s my hope at trying to bring a new angle to this blog and bring folk together, new and experience, quiet and loud-mouthed!

I want you to ask us here a question about Android.  Go ahead, make it a stumper.  Make it something unique… maybe it’s something as simple as “how DO I connect a bluetooth headset“, or could be a “what do you see the main differences between a Nexus Q and GoogleTV are?“, even a “which do you prefer X or Y?” (maybe even about muffins).

What I’m hoping is that you pose a question and we get a bunch of good ones.  Then I’ll select one from the pot and make that into an article and get everybody’s feedback on it, then write an article with your feedback and mine as well.

This will become a bit more of a blog for us, by us.

As my favourite quote says:

“Education is more than filling a child with facts.
It starts with posing questions.”

~D.T. Max

So, let’s hear what questions you have

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