
Apple and Samsung CEOs Will Meet To Settle Patent Disputes

Apple and Samsung have been at each others throats for quite some time now over patent disputes. Some disputes are actually understandable where others are just nitpicking, trying to help get that better foothold in the battle that is the mobile market.

Apple and Samsung’s CEOs surely have a lot to talk about. Thankfully, they’ll be getting the chance to do exactly that (with lawyers in tow, naturally) at some point over the next 90 days. Both sides are apparently “willing to participate” in a sit down overseen by a magistrate judge. Clearly a ruling of hugging it out is needed in this case.

Although I clearly follow Android in this situation due to my fanboy’ism, part of me wishes Steve Jobs was here to attend this meeting. I’d be very curious as to what he’d have to say. Many people including myself saw him as a wise man of few words when it came to speaking to fans reaching out for comments or questions. In the end, it was only those few words he needed to get his point across.


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