AndroidTO bound

So I’m on the plane and heading to Toronto.
My bag is packed with my t-shirts and I’ve got some Zeemote giveaways to whoever recognizes me at the event (limited supply mind you).

I’ve gone over the speaker topics and I’m still town over what it is I should be attending.  I’ll play it by ear when I get there, as I wouldn’t want to miss out on the exhibitor booths either.   Sony has said they’re having a new GoogleTV device on display.  I’ll look forward to that.

Being so close to the October 29th date must make it difficult to really want to show off anything with everyone salivating over the rumoured devices and updates.

So, I’m thinking that I’ll take to the twitter (I’ll try to remember the hashtag #androidto) to post updates as I can, but will most likely save the fuller discussion to a blog post later that day.

I’m not going to be able to get much writing done as I’m only bringing my eeepad (without keyboard) and my phone, neither which lend themselves to an ability to write lengthy bits, which is fine by me as I wouldn’t want to walk around with a laptop anymore these days, and getting the dock would make my tablet just that.. a laptop (yes I do know the difference, and someday I’d still like to get it but I’ll be moving to phablet land soon anyways so its a moot point.


Okay… much later now.

Had my Toronto adventure and readying for tomorrow. There’s some cool “achievements” to do for entries in the giveaways.

Really excited.  See you all there

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