Android Phones

WIND And Mobicility S4 Launch Will Be Delayed

Wind S4


Some of you out there have already gotten your Galaxy S4′s and are probably rubbing it in the faces of your friends and family.  If that’s you, shame on you!  Although I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing:).  However, a lot of you are likely waiting for your local store to bring them into stock so you mosey on down and pick one up.

We’ve already  heard from Samsung Canada that there is a there is an “overwhelming global demand” for the device and that “initial supply may be limited” so news that WIND and Mobilicity are needing to delay their launch isn’t surprising.  As they are smaller carriers, it makes sense that they would draw the short end of the stick and not get their stock when everyone else does.

So if you happen to be with either WIND or Mobilicity, you’ll just have to hold out a little bit longer and hope that your friends don’t rub their shiny new S4 in your face!

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