Samsung’s Galaxy S3 the most ‘sellingest’

Yes, I made that word up.  It comes from my days on the sales floor.  Something I’m starting to really miss these days.

Anyhow, recently we told you how Android is now 75% of the global cell phone market.  That’s nuts.  And in the end we tend to concede a point where… well iOS is only selling one phone, so on a ‘per phone’ basis, it wins out.  Which is true.  Bastion of refuge for any Apple fan’s sanity.

Well, hold on to that ‘half truth’ no more, as a newly released poll shows that the Samsung Galaxy S3 moved off the shelves more often than Apple’s iPhone 4S.

This was from June – September.  Sammie shipped out 18,000,000 of their S3′s, while Apple sent off 16,200,000.  Both staggering numbers to be sure.  But, really, there were more S3′s being sent.

Now here’s your grain of salt.

Just because I don’t want to be seen as a fanboy… there’s the theory out there that as the i5 loomed, sales of the i4S dropped … then when the i5 came out, people were buying that.  There were almost 6,000,000 of those sold.  So combined, the i4S and the i5 outsold the S3 (I wonder if how many S2′s, or Notes were sold).

That being all said… they were still number one.  From a group of manufacturers who weren’t making these items 5 years ago, they sure have come a far way!


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