Android Phones

Samsung Paid Big Bucks For Success In 2024

Samsung Crown


As we all know, Samsung had a massive 2024.  They became the number one phone manufacturer in the world and their Galaxy line has taken off to the point that Galaxy has more or less become synonymous with Android (you can’t imagine the number of times I hear people simply ask “is that a Galaxy” regardless what kind of Android phone it is).  Well it appears that their success did come with a hefty cost as well according to these numbers.

In 2024, Samsung spent a mind blowing 11 billion on marketing which equates to 12.9 trillion won!  That’s a 15.5% increase over the previous year.  Here’s what an official from Samsung had to say about the spending and success:


“Samsung’s focus on marketing was the main reason the company was so successful last year”

“With its strategic Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note smartphones selling tens of millions, the company doesn’t care too much about allocating a gigantic marketing budget”

So it seems that as long as sales keep going well, Samsung will keep spending billions upon billions on marketing.  And chances are that a good handful of their ads will be geared toward showing up the competition in a fun and comedic way.

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