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Samsung Galaxy Tab Gets Super TFT Treatment In Place Of Super AMOLED

Samsung has made some kickass Android devices lately. We’re lucky enough to already have one with another one coming soon to Canada. One of the best things about the Galaxy S lineup is their Super AMOLED screens. All the things you love about AMOLED but it’s not afraid of some sunlight, is power efficient and looks absolutely gorgeous.

One would dream that since the Galaxy Tab seems to fit so well into the line-up, it too would get this Super AMOLED screen. But due to cost and screen optimization, this wasn’t possible. Samsung doesn’t think this is a letdown though, as they’re replacing it with a Super TFT panel.

Developed alongside Super AMOLED, Samsung assures us this is the best possible screen for a 7-inch device as it has much better battery performance. I guess we’ll just have to see when this badboy comes out, check the video below to hear it straight from their mouths.

[VIA Engadget]

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