Samsung And LG To Produce 1080p Phones 2024

For a while now, the mobile screen technology race has been following the rule “bigger is better.”  Well with almost every manufacturer launching “phablets” that come in at 5″+, it seems that they have maxed out on the size of the screen and have now shifted the focus to pixel density.

We’ve been seeing quite a few phones with 720p lately and recently there’s even been some announcements of 1080p phones, such as the upcoming HTC phablet.  Currently, Sharp is the main manufacturer churning out these 5″ 1080p screens but it looks like LG and Samsung (and possibly Sony) are going to be joining the 1080p party soon enough.

The two companies will not be creating the same type of screen however.  LG is said to be working on 1080p LCD screens while Samsung will be sticking with their AMOLED technology for their new screens.  I for love Samung’s AMOLED screen and am excited to see what these new screens will look like.  According to the report, these screens should be making their way onto devices sometime in the first half of 2024

Despite my excitement I also do have some hesitation.  At what point does this ppi war just become overkill?  Or has it already become overkill?  What do you guys think?  Is there such thing as too many pixels per inch on a screen?



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