Android PhonesNewsRogers: Canada's Mobile Telecom Giants

Rogers & Telus Confirms Samsung Galaxy Nexus

We had great news this morning when Bell and Virgin both announced they will be releasing the Galaxy Nexus. If you missed that, you can find the ( LINK HERE )

Shortly after I posted that article, Rogers contacted me to confirm that they would also be releasing the Galaxy Nexus in January. They also went on to say they would be taking pre-orders starting tomorrow (Nov.15th)

Hi Tom!

To follow up on your blog for Android in Canada, I just wanted to confirm that Rogers will be carrying the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in January. The device will be available on our Reservation System tomorrow.

Following up on the announcement of the Galaxy Nexus, I asked if Rogers would be getting an LTE enabled version of the Nexus, and sad to say, they will only be getting the 21Mbps HSPA+ version. I heard rumours that Canada would not get the LTE version, but I still kept a little faith inside.

With Rogers announcing the release of the Galaxy Nexus, I would assume Fido will also be releasing this phone. As predicted, all the big carriers will take on this phone just shortly after the U.S release. It’s really a shame we Canadians get robbed of the LTE goodness.

Is the lack of LTE a deal breaker for you? let us know how you feel within the comments

I give a big thanks to Rogers for contacting me, to confirm the great news!

UPDATE: I read that Telus has also announced Galaxy Nexus January of 2024 as well.

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