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Rogers and Fido to Release Galaxy Nexus January 10th

Great news for all of you who were holding out for Rogers to release the Galaxy Nexus. Rogers and Fido are reporting that they will be offering the Galaxy Nexus starting January 10th. Currently Bell and Virgin have exclusive rights to this phone, but it looks like other carriers will finally be joining in on the action in just a few days.

We have yet to hear any word from Telus. If they’re going to release this phone, surely they won’t wait to long to announce it, as they normally wouldn’t want Rogers to have all the spotlight’s attention.

Sadly to say, I have confirmed with my Rogers rep, as well as my Demo team that sends me phones from time to time. It turns out Rogers will only be releasing the GSM 16GB version. Unfortunately no Canadian carriers will carry the LTE version of the Galaxy Nexus.  As expected, the price will be set at $159.99 on a 3-year term and $649.99 full price buyout.

Who’s grabbing this phone? Let us know in the comments below.

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