Optimus Nexus Rumours

The Nexus rumours have been front and centre the last few days.  And now here’s several more little bits of information to add to the pile.  Over the last 24 hours several different rumours have sprung up about LG’s Nexus offering.

1. Design

According to an anonymous user who has personally got his hands on the mysterious LG Nexus, he says the device looks like a Galaxy Nexus with the iPhone 3g silver edging.  He also states that it shows off a coloured Nexus logo on the back (similar to the Nexus 7) along with LG’s branding.  His final little bit for us is that it is indeed running Android 4.2, which keeps the look of Jelly Bean in tact.  Here’s his full statement:

“I can confirm the next nexus is LG Optimus based. The phone looks surprisingly like the Galaxy Nexus and does not have sharp corners like the LG Optimus we already know. It has a silver’ring like the iPhone 3G around the outer edge of the screen which seemed to be similar to the Galaxy Nexus in size but was much better in brightness.

I couldn’t have said if it was larger in the few minutes that I had the phone. Also, it has Nexus written on the back like the Nexus 7 except there is a color element to it. The ‘X’ is in four colors. There was also the LG logo on the back.

Android 4.2 in its current state looked exactly like the 4.1.1 we love. There were no tabs on that build version for home-screens as you suggested from your other tipster. What I was amazed by is how fluid everything seemed to be from exiting apps, switching, etc. It seems like they’ve increased the number of transitions and their types. It still had the hodge-podge mess of multiple communication tools: Messenger, GTalk, Voice and SMS.”

2. Specs

It’s generally agreed upon at this point that the LG Nexus will have a similar spec sheet to the Optimus G.  That means quad-core S4 processor, 2 GB RAM, 4.7″ screen, etc.  However according to another rumour there will be three key difference in the Nexus, that, in my opinion, are terrible if true.  First, it’s supposedly coming in 8GB and 16GB variants.  That’s not enough storage especially when you take into account change number two: there will be no expandable storage.  I do believe this could be true but I really hope it isn’t.  Expandable storage is always a great option and to remove it limits what the end user can do with the phone, especially when the internal storage is so limited.  Third, the battery is non-removable.  This isn’t a huge deal breaker for me as long as the battery is large enough to power the phone through a day of intensive use.  If it can manage that, I’m fine with the non-removable because you won’t be worry about your phone dying or needing to carry a charger with you.  If it can’t, then that means I have to carry some sort of battery solution with me (charger, external battery, etc.).

3. Wireless Charging

This rumour isn’t as big of a deal to me honestly but for some people it could be.  The LG Nexus is expected to come with wireless charging.  That simply means a little less clutter but, to me, it really won’t sway me to buy or not to buy.

What do you guys think about these rumours?  What do you like?  What do you hate?  When do you think we’ll actually see these phones?

[MobileSyrup / Slashgear / PhoneArena]

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