Nexus One Now Offered Via Mobilicity, The Google Phone Lives On!

Oh sure, Google may have killed the HTC Nexus One on their end. But they did say that they’re gonna work with retailers globally and keep selling it. Now Mobilicity isn’t the first Canadian carrier to pull the Nexus out of the grave, Vidéotron Mobile actually beat them to that. $549 is the price Mobilicity is asking for the contract free model.

The Nexus One isn’t that old of a phone but with newer phones from various manufacturers that have better features emerging, you might be asking why you’d buy this. Well, let’s see. We’ve yet to see a phone get Android 2.2 Froyo in Canada, the latest version of the Android operating system.

The Nexus One remains that phone that runs what Google thinks the phone should run. Vanilla Android with no custom skins or apps, just pure Android. Some poeple really like that and it’s definitely a great phone to develop on as nothing extra gets in the way. The Nexus One is also the one Android phone that ships factory unlocked no matter how you get it.

Now the downside, Mobilicity only operates in Toronto right now but fear not! Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Ottawa are all on the list of cities that Mobilicity will work in with future expansion.

[via Nexus404]


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