Android Phones

Nexus Experience Galaxy S4 Will Only Be Available In The US At Launch

S4 Nexus Edition


If you were hoping to get your hands on the Nexus Experience version of the Galaxy S4 you may be out of luck (or at least will have a harder time getting it than you probably anticipated).  Word around the web is that this variant of the most popular Android phone in the world right now will only be available in the US, at least to start with.  Many, including myself, expect it to launch elsewhere later on but the initial launch will only be in the US.

So if you MUST have it right away, I guess you’ll have to try jumping on Ebay or find a friend in the states who’s willing to spot you and ship it to you.  If you already have an S4, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to make your phone into a Nexus Experience device with a little tinkering.  That’s just my own thoughts on the matter and as I’m not a developer don’t hold me to it!


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