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Galaxy Nexus Delayed?

Verizon Wireless has confirmed that their Galaxy Nexus release date has been pushed back to December. Rumour is it will be available December 9th.

Before some of you go “But…Derrr… I thought this was android in CANADA” Hang on buttercup, this could actually effect us too. Just recently Rogers pulled back their Galaxy Nexus from the pre-order reservation system, days later Verizon announces the official delay. The U.S almost always gets things first, so I start to wonder if there is a connection here. I sure hope Virgin and Bell are safe from this delay

It’s quite possible I’m reading to much in to this, but I believe it’s worth mentioning for those hopeful Canadians waiting to get their hands around one of these bad boys.

If you want to get a little more on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus Delay, head on over to PhanDroid for the full scoop.

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