Android PhonesNews

Do the internals of the Nexus 4 make you re-think?

Isn’t the internet funny?

First there was the complaints of no LTE.  I can get behind that, but then I can also get behind the reasoning… somewhat.

Then there’s the ‘no removable battery’ idea.  I can sort of understand, but to be honest, in however long I’ve used my phones, I’ve only ever noticed this feature when I needed to do a battery pull… and even then it probably wasn’t necessary.

Well, one user went so far as to show that even though the battery isn’t ‘user replaceable’, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible.


Interesting.  So it’s not impossible.

Fast forward a day or two and there’s an update.  Apparently there’s some springs connected to the battery that are connected also the atennae of the device.  So it makes it ultra tricky to do.

Oh well… like I said, not a big deal for me, but not a deal breaker for sure.

Then, looking at that internals, for some it’s like “tech-porn” they can delve in and see what it’s really made of.  I have been long out of the hardware end of things, so most of it is lost on me, but it’s something I can appreciate.

Those in the seeming know have taken a hard glance at the device and come up with some ‘ugly’ news.  Saying that some of the pieces in there show bad design.

Here’s what someone had to say on XDA:

Design Pluses

Large external speaker

Good speaker placement

Design Minuses

Bolted in battery

Spring Antenna Connections

Lack of impact zones

Tape used instead of structure and shielding

That might answer how it’s so ‘cheap’.  When you look at it vs. the new Optimus G, there’s barely any difference (except the camera – expect a review soon), and you wonder at the cost.  Obviously it must be a cheaper parts scenario.  But, then why is it expected to be about the same cost when you buy it from a carrier?  (which is funny, as the Spanish retailer in question, just now actually pulled the listing — thanks AndroidCentral)

Anyhow, my point is that, upon hearing some of the reviews… how does it sway you?

There’ve been lots of reviews being positive… some negative… some outright hilariously biased.  But how does it shape your overall purchasing decision?

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