Some more ICS update timelines announced [HTC & Samsung]

This is a few days behind, but with a few of the recent announcements I wanted to put them all together as one post.  Plus it gives me a chance to update the spreadsheet I have.

HTC announced via their Facebook page some of their timelines for the phones, and Samsung also tweeted in with their promise to have the update available for the Galaxy S2 on March 1st (now, whenever the carriers get it tho’, that’s different).  They also said that the Galaxy Note (out tomorrow… you excited?) will get the update soon thereafter.

What do you make of that?  HTC I’m not holding out much hope for, they were painfully slow to send out the updates, same with Samsung, BUT they have been traditionally faster, even getting us Canucks the update before the yanks.

I’ve updated the spreadsheet, let me know if you see anything out of sorts with it:

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