Samsung Says “No” To 3D Devices

Since the Galaxy S III Rumours all started, we’ve seen some plausible ones, and then we’ve seen some that just didn’t make sense. Over the past month or two, I’ve seen countless posts of “Could this be the Galaxy S III? [Picture of a towel]), let’s call it like it is, blogs are taking the hype and milking it for every last drop they can get.

So let’s get to some news that actually has some backing to it. Samsung has officially shot down the speculation that future Samsung phone may include 3D screens and/or cameras when they issued the following statement.

Although Samsung Electronics is constantly exploring new technologies for our mobile devices, we have no immediate plan to include displays featuring 3D technology in our upcoming smartphones.

This could be great news for some, but also may come as a disappointment to others. I personally have used the Evo 3D and Optimus 3D, there is some novelty factor there, but not practical in real life situations. That’s just my opinion, another may disagree and feel it’s a deal breaker in their next Android purchase.

Who know’s what Samsung will plan for the future, all we know is we can lay the Galaxy S III 3D rumours to rest.

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