Samsung Jelly Bean Updates Given A Time Frame

Samsung is working hard on getting their more popular device updated to the latest (at least for now) version of Android.  Samsung has already begun the roll out of Jelly Bean for their flagship device the Galaxy S III while their other flagship device, the Note II, is launching with Jelly Bean.  But Samsung hasn’t forgotten about their former flagships and has given an estimate as to when these devices will get their update.

Samsung Sweden has confirmed that the original Galaxy Note, the Galaxy S II, and the Galaxy Note 10.1 will all be getting Jelly Bean very soon.  The Galaxy S II looks to be first in line with the ETA being some time in November.  The Note and Note 10.1 are expected to get their update sometime in Q4 (my best guess would be December).

As I said before, I’m really interested to see how much of their Note II Jelly Bean features they can integrate into some of these older devices.  I guess we’ll all find out soon enough.


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