Major Rumour: Next Nexi Coming In 30 Days With Key Lime Pie

Major rumour news has broken this morning.  According to “industry source” Google is gearing up for another Nexus launch within the next 30 days (which fits pretty closely with their usual time frame).  According to the source, there are two pieces of major news to come along with this event.

First, the new Nexus/Nexi will be launching with a sweet piece of Key Lime Pie.  In other words, we’ll be seeing an even newer and improved OS on whatever devices get launched (and of course we’ll be getting those on trusty ol’ Nexus 7′s and hopefully Galaxy Nexus’ and Nexus S’).  It feels like were getting overfed with desserts but who am I to complain.

The second piece of news coming with this rumour is one that we’ve all been anticipating for a while now.  Google will be launching multiple devices this time around from multiple manufacturers.  The three manufacturers that have been the centre of attention are Samsung, LG, and HTC.  Samsung has had a device with the id of i9260 floating around, LG is rumoured to be launching  a vanilla Optimus G and HTC is expected to launch their mystery 5″ 1080p phone in all that pure Google goodness.

Even though this is all rumour right now, I am expecting to see a new Nexus phone this year so I’m very excited.  Which phone would you guys be grabbing if this all comes up to be true?


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