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LG to Make a Pure Google Nexus Device, or Nexus for All?

The famous word that nearly every Android user should know is “Nexus”. The one simple word alone tells the user this phone will be pure google, unlocked, and should receive the latest updates shortly after they are released.

The Nexus love which first captured many users hearts was the Nexus one. A phone designed by HTC was the mark of the first ‘Pure Google’ line in the nexus history. A year later Samsung launches the Nexus S, introducing Nexus users with a stunning AMOLED screen which people are still going gaga over. This year we seen the release once again from Samsung with the Galaxy Nexus. A phone where Samsung and Google worked very closely together to ensure they capture the synergy of their two companies.

While all this is going on, between Nexus releases, there is always rumours on who will snag the next years title of Nexus. LG, Samsung, HTC, even Motorola was mentioned due to the fact Google had been paying lots of attention to them months before the Galaxy Nexus was released. The latest rumour that has been floating around now just like it did last year, LG may be in the running to take the title of Nexus for late 2024 – early 2024 release. Ramchan Woo, head of LG’s smartphone division, and he stated that “We’re heavily in discussions… We’re working on it”.

Let’s use our imaginations here.

I have a theory, normally I suppress my imaginations and just state facts, but “I have a dream!” – Ok, that’s enough of that… I don’t have lawyer money.

All jokes aside. What if Google grabbed all the leading manufactures and agreed that each will have their own Nexus device. No bloat, no locks, just simple Google Android. They could design their hardware as they pleased, and keep Android truly free. Not only would we see more unlocked Nexus devices, but users would also have a price range on these nexus devices and not stuck at a one price of $649.99.

For every good idea, there is something bad that can come out of it. If Google did allow all these manufactures to create their own version of the Nexus, would it tarnish the Nexus name? Or should Google continue to give excessive rights to just one manufacture at a time?

I invite you to use your imagination as well. Please give a little insight to what you think of a situation such as this in the comments below. Is opening up the Nexus title to all top manufactures at once a good idea, or a bad idea?

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