Android FirmwareAndroid Phones

International One X Jelly Bean Roll Out Begins

Well here’s some positive news coming out of the HTC camp.  It appears their flagship device, the HTC One X is beginning to receive its Jelly Bean update.  The roll out began on Friday for One Xs purchased in Taiwan and according to HTC, the rest of Asia as well as Europe will be receiving the update shortly.

Just to be clear, this is for the international quad-core variant of the phone which was only available in Europe and Asia.  For those of you who picked up a One X at your favourite carrier, you’ll have to wait a little bit longer.  There’s no official time frame yet for the dual-core variant but my best guess would be that it’ll hit by the end of the year and at the latest, January.  But that’s 100% a guess from this writer.

According to users who have used 4.1 on their One X, the difference is quite noticeable.  This really doesn’t surprise me though as I saw a very noticeable difference when I updated my Nexus from ICS to Jelly Bean.  Yup, Jelly Bean is just that good!

If you happen to have a international One X in your possession and get the update, let us know how it is.  I’m sure we’d all love to hear some first hand stories.

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