Ice Cream Sandwich is Rolling Out to More Devices, Now Tops 7%

The quest for Ice Cream Sandwich for Canadians has been a long one, many are opting for ‘look alike’ apps, modifications and custom roms to try and get some of that cream. We’ve had to suffer from delays, where others got the harsh words that ICS would never come as we saw with the Sony Xperia Play.

Link to: Sony Confirms No ICS Love for Sony Xperia Play

Whether it seems like it or not, Ice Cream Sandwich is on the rise. Just passing the 7% mark, and we’re just touching on the June mark where many carriers have confirmed to drop a couple ICS releases.

Bell, probably one of our more up front carriers when it comes to ICS release schedule. Despite their constant delays, they continue to be open about their release plans. I just wish the other carriers would lay it all out like this as well.

Bell still confirms the following:

If you ask any other carrier when they will be releasing ICS, you’ll probably get the common answer of “Coming soon”.

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