Android FirmwareAndroid PhonesNews

Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 Finally Pushed to Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S

The day has finally come. The GSM Samsung Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus are both being pushed the OTA updates Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4. So keep your eyes open and keep clicking that update button.

Please keep in mind that not everyones will come all at the same time, sometimes it takes a couple extra hours or days for it to become wide spread.

We’ve heard from readers that it does become a bit “zippier,” and “smoother,” but that’s about it. There should be a lot more going on, though, as it’s said there are over 100 changes over 4.0.3. However, there is no word whether or not the CDMA versions will share in the glory as of yet. Until then, you’ll just have to keep your fingers crossed.

Let us know if you have got your update yet within the comments below.

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