Galaxy Nexus Receiving Jelly Bean NOW!

Earlier today I posted about the release of Jelly Bean AOSP.  Now Google has done one better and announced that Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is now rolling out for all HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus devices.

As I said earlier, this isn’t a major overhaul to Android but there’s tons of new features to love.   This news makes me want to go pick up a Galaxy Nexus so I can play around with the latest and greatest Android OS  myself!  The Google Now and updated Voice Search look really promising and I’m curious to see how well they will work for us here in Canada.

Has anybody received their upgrade?  What do you love most about it so far?  Anybody else tempted to buy a Nexus just to try this out?  Leave your comments below.

Check out the source for Google’s official statement




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