Android FirmwareAndroid PhonesRumours

Even More Nexus Rumours

The next Nexus device(s) have been rumoured and speculated and leaked and still none of us really have a clue as to what’s going to happen in the coming months (assuming we’re all at least right about Google having a plan for this year).  The key rumour that’s going around is that multiple manufacturers are going to have their hand in the Nexus program this time around.

Today we’re getting news that the Nexus program is being changed up quite a bit to fit in with the multiple manufacturer strategy.  The key reason manufacturers created skins was to differentiate themselves from one another.  Many people love the skins.  Purists hate them.  Way back when Android first got going I thought, why can’t we have both.  Why can’t there be native and overlay and let the user choose.  Now I admit I have no idea how they would go about something like that.  Especially since many of the “features” on the skins are deeply integrated into the system.  But it seemed like a good idea.

Well it seems as though that is indeed the new approach to the Nexus program.  Devices, such as a the speculated Optimus Nexus is going to run pure Android underneath with the option of throwing LG’s skin over top.  The other speculated manufacturers, Sony, Samsung and HTC, would do likewise with their skins.  While I love the idea, I’m still seeing one possible problem with it.  The key draw to Nexus devices is quick updates.  Can those quick updates still happen when manufacturers are still needing to retool their “add-on” skin with each new upgrade?  Or is there a way for them to update the vanilla Android base before updating the skins.  Seems tricky in my mind but I’m not a developer so what do I know.

In other rumours, the new device(s) are expected to launch with 4.2 Jelly Bean.  As one of our commentors stated, Key Lime Pie (if that’s what they go with) will be reserved for another year.  4.2 is expected to be about further optimization rather than an overhaul of the UI (not that it needs it!).

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