Asus Transformer TF101 updates build

I just got this notice this morning and had enough time to run the update and take a screenshot for everyone.  Not enough time to put it through it’s paces.

Been doing some reading on what the .24 update will bring, rumour is face unlock, but I can’t confirm this.  I know I was still getting some random reboots and boot lockups, so hopefully that’s gone away.

Now, I believe for some reason my tablet has a US sku, and not the WW like most other Canadian TF101s do… not sure how that happened.  But let’s see if any other TF101 users get the update today too.

I am just happy to see that Asus keeps updated this “dinosaur” of a device.  It’s well over a year old now.  If this were my phone (specifically a Samsung), they’d have pointed me towards their 3 new models already released and 5 more on the horizon rather than continue to provide updates.

Keep rocking it Asus!

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