The Galaxy S4 Mini Is Coming To Canada This October

Galaxy S4 Mini


Smart phones are getting big, it’s just a fact.  And while I, and many others, love the large screen sizes found on phones today, not everybody is so keen on carrying “miniature tablets” with them.  Samsung and HTC have both created miniature version of their flagship devices (Sony may be working on one too) to help appease this crowd but up till now these devices have not been available in Canada.

Well according to a tip over on MobileSyrup, the Galaxy S4 Mini will be making its way to Canada this October.  Telus has apparently confirmed this but we haven’t heard anything from our contact quite yet.  It’s also likely that other carriers will jump on board with the Mini as well but, again, we have no confirmation at this point.

Although the Mini shares the same name as the Galaxy S4, it isn’t quite the beast that it’s namesake is.  Here are the specs for this guy:

Anybody thinking of picking up this Mini?


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