REVIEW: Office Suite 6 [sale runs out today!]

So, whenever I see a good deal on an app, I usually check it over and debate heavily over whether it’s worth it… I’ve got a lot of ‘scottish’ in me.  Just the way I am.

But when the app is something like a Microsoft Office suite, then I really look it over.  It’s one of those apps that tends to be ‘needed’ by most people.  Sure, Drive has some built in editing capabilities, but it’s still limited… eventually it’ll be really REALLY good.  That’s what I’m hoping for.

In the interim, we have apps like QuickOffice (which I’ve reviewed previously) and Polaris (which usually comes pre-bundled on your device).  They’re great, but QO costs some, and although Polaris is free, it doesn’t come on all phones, nor does it come as a full version.

Well, for the past few days (and until the end of today, May 10th) Office Suite is available as a great alternative.  Only 99c!!!  Normally much, much more, this is a great deal.

For less than the price of a cup of coffee  you can pick up this app, and you’ll use it just about everyday, and even if you don’t, those days that you REALLY REALLY need it, it’ll be there.  Trust me, I’ve had that happen.

So, of course, for $1, I bought it … I figured I couldn’t pass up that kind of deal, no matter how good it is.  I really didn’t expect much, especially for $1… sure it’s normally worth much more, but if it can go on sale that cheaply, than that’s probably it’s real worth (like those Canadian Tire sales… nobody buys the item at regular price, so the normal price really is the sale price).

Then I tried it out.   Gotta say… I’m impressed!  Definitely worth the $1.  And if you don’t pick it up, you’re foolish.

One of the biggest features I look for these days in apps is their ability to hook up to the cloud, and well, this app delivers.  You have Google, Dropbox, Box and SugarSync.

What’s neat is that for Google, you just use the devices credentials… no having to authenticate it like with QuickOffice which kept having issues for me.

After that feature, everything else is gravy.  It’s pretty much what you’d expect in the editing department, no surprises there.  Well, I was surprised at how well it handled the pictures being displayed in the documents.  You still can’t do much with them (i.e. move them around or anything… but I wasn’t expecting that much anyways).

What you will like about the software is the polished look it has to it.  After using it for a bit, I’m starting to like it better than QuickOffice; it has a very minimalist look to it, but everything y ou need to edit.

Check out some of my screen grabs below, and go pick up this app now!  Until the end of the day it’s still only a buck!

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