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Play Store 3.10.9 [download]

Hey everybody, the time’s they are a-changing.  Can definitely feel the cool seeping in as I bike in the morning.  Winter’s almost here.  As with all things, things change.

Just like the Google Play Store.  It just ‘changed’ to version 3.10.9.  Some folk don’t see this update already, so if you’re is sluggish to adapt to change (like my legs were this morning to getting up and pedalling) you can snag this now with our download. 

Download Play Store 3.10.9

Download the apk, make sure your settings in your phone allow for side loads (ask us if you’re unsure), and then click the apk to install it overtop your current Play Store.

So, what are the benefits of this new update?

  • You have a new screen when installing a new app.  After you say okay to downloading and agree to the permissions it’ll then give you a screen like you’d see at a store’s website where it’s says it’s “downloading/installing” but has a button for ‘keep shopping’.  It gives you other suggestions of other apps that are similar or go well with.  I guess it’s to help encourage you to try more apps.
  • The wishlist now has the ‘remove’ button, just like the “All” apps does… allowing you for a clean wishlist
  • Better translation (apparently, but I haven’t seen it)
  • Improve suggestions for suggested apps (by editing which friends to see what they +1′d)

There’s some others, but I didn’t see much change or impact.

So… head on and get with the times!

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