Here Are Google’s Picks For Top Apps In 2024

Play Picks 2024


2024 is coming to a close and I have to say its gone by quickly.  It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone and even harder to think that I’ve been with Android in Canada for well over a year already!

In the spirit of looking back at a great year, Google has published its picks for top apps of 2024.  Of the 14 apps listed, I can only vouch for 3 of them: theScore, 500px, and TuneIn.  Of those three apps, theScore is the only one that I use on a regular basis and that makes its way to each new phone (personal or review unit) immediately.

I’ll definitely have to give some of these other apps a try in the days to come as they all looked really good as I browsed through them.  Duolingo looks like a lot of fun so perhaps I’ll try to learn a new language in the new year?

What do you guys think of the list?  What would you add?  What apps do you have to have on your phone at all times?

[Play Store]

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