Google Chrome Making its way to Android

I have asked the question several times throughout my Android experience, “Where is Google Chrome, this is a Google phone after all.”  It looks like my questing finally has an answer.

 There’s mention on the Chromium revision log that Chrome for Android will include a lot of the features that your accustomed to on the desktop version. It will also have support for the open source Skia 2D graphics library. It’s unknown exactly how Google plans to position Chrome for Android and I wonder to what extent, if any, they will allow the desktop version to communicate with the mobile and if Chrome extensions will exist on mobile. Maybe the Nexus Prime will give us a taste of Chrome with ICS at the Unpacked event in Oct. Wishful thinking I know, but in either case we should be seeing some Chrome on Android love very soon. Hit us up with your thoughts right down there in the comments. How do you think Google will implement Chrome to Android and will it crush the current stock browser?

[via androidandme]

This is very interesting news, as the stock browser is good, but I often hear complaints about it. I doubt google will crush the current browser, but instead offer Google Chrome as a Android Market download as they do with most of their other services. Lets just hope they don’t go with this ‘Beta invite only’ stuff they have been doing.

Of course there has been no solid release date, just spoken words up to this point, but as suggested in the statement above, there are high hopes for an October announcement/release.



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