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Best Toddler Games… my choices and plea for suggestions

not my kid… just so you know

So I have a kid, he’s 3.5. And he’s growing up in a digital world. Which means is that often the piece I use to cajole him into doing things he’s supposed to, but doesn’t want to include a chance to play with daddy’s toy [my phone/tablet].

But like all toddlers he gets bored easily.  So he likes to do new things, and try new stuff.  [even weirder he’s developing some weird ‘fears’ of things that he used to like — like Angry Birds Hallowe’en]

So I’m always on the look out for something for him to play.  Here’s my attempt to elicit some suggestions from you, by providing you my choices thus far:

  • Angry Birds – loves it… although has been having an aversion to the Seasons version [he doesn’t like hearing them talk].  Great to watch him learn how to pinch to zoom and knows all about which ones do which… and how.
  • A Monster Ate My Homework – only likes it because the noises the blocks make, and that you can throw about 100 balls at them at once if you tap REALLY REALLY FAST.
  • Fruit Ninja – but only because he loves to see my reaction when he slices the bombs…he knows he’s not supposed to.
  • Sketcher Lite – he likes drawing… this one’s on my phone
  • Bord – for drawing on my tablet
  • Cut the Rope – although he refers to it as ‘snap the rope’, and loves to play the one level over and over [just loves the animated fellow]
  • any video IM program – though we really haven’t done much on it, but he does love being on Messenger, or gTalk etc… on the computer – so it’s applicable as well.
  • Youtube – he is so adept at being able to navigate on the web version it was only natural that when he saw the app icon on my phone/tablet he had to use it too.  He could be entertained for hours on the web in this way.

What are your favourite apps for wee’uns?

Follow Ryan on G+

Oh, and here’s my shameless plug for more space!

Minus | DropBox | SugarSync

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