Best Keyboard for Android – Poll Results

Last week I as was interested to see where people stood in thoughts of their favorite keyboards for the Android. I was very surprised at the results. If you missed the initial voting poll, you canfind it here.

Never in this lifetime did I think Go Keyboard would score as low as it did. I figured its extreme theme ability it would easily push to around 3rd, and my personal favorite Perfect Keyboard came in dead last. Talk about showing love for the under dog

While the voting was going on last week, there was some confusion as to why swiftkey was at the top spot. Well, the official results are posted here for all to see. If you have beef, feel free to state why your favorite keyboard isn’t getting the love it deserves within the comments below. Perhaps you could even convince others to give yours a try.

Thanks to everyone who voted last week. If you didn’t get a chance to vote, you can grab the link at the top of this page and cast yours today.

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