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App updates for the past week [Oct 28 ’12]

Logitech Revue | Minus | Flipboard | Cut the Rope & Experiments | Crackle | Angry Birds Seasons | AndroidTO | Tumblr

Logitech Revue firmware – Android 3.2

I would have said this was a full system update, but really all it did was put the new Play Store on it.  Not sure I like it, it’s not really meant for the “10 ft. experience”, it’s more a touch screen interface.  But that’s just me.


Officially official, they only like you to update ‘image types’.  boo


Adding some sound to your ‘flipping experience’.

Cut the Rope / & Experiments

Some extra powers and some extra levels


Gave this a shot, not a fan of the service, but it’s been updated.

Angry Birds Seasons

Haunted Hogs episode (with ghost bricks!)


Just to have all the info ready for the great event (full write up is imminent).


 Better experience (just in time for his presentation at AndroidTO).

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