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What are your Android ‘travel’ necessities?

So, I’ve been a little quiet lately, and there’s good reason.  I’ve been busy trying to enjoy this sparse season we Canadians call SUMMER.   It’s pretty elusive, so when the opportunity strikes, you go.

Some of it’s been pipe band related, some of it into a forested area, and others into an urban jungle.  All through each I brought my phone with me.  As my voicemail message says “…I have my phone usually within hand’s reach“.

Whenever I leave the house I’ll typically have my wireless headphones, cached playlists of music, and ensure my calendar is up to date.  However, each of my forays away from home came with their own challenges.

  • Band trips are usually into the US of A, so no data unless I can find a WiFi hotspot.

So, for this kind of trip I’d need a few things.  AC & DC chargers (for the long car rides), and caching maps and saving map points.  Maybe some movies and books.  The bigget issue here is getting access to the internet.  Phone is usable for getting/sending phone calls/texts; expensive, but possible

When I do find internet it’s time to download what I can.  And if I need to make phone calls I use GrooveIP to do so  as it’ll be a free call (hey, I’m a Scot… we’re allowed to be cheap).

Using the phone usually means taking pictures for the most part – and I don’t really have the time to take ‘photos’, more just snapshots, so the standard camera app is all I use.

  • Camping means no reception or WiFi even

nothing… nada?  Hrmm… then for sure I’ll need some books, and some games.  With my son I’ll use some simple games like tic-tac-toe or just a drawing app (or this) to play something.  No Angry Birds or the like as it tends be solitary items.  With some of those games and drawing apps, I’ll be sure to bring along my stylus.

As for charging, my car is parked near, so I could just plug it in the DC socket, but it would slowly drain the battery too — so I have a trickle charger for the car.  I also picked up a solar charger for the phone, but it’s practically useless (all day in the sun and it gave my phone like 10%).

I have a little more time on these vacations, so I start to play with what camera app I’d use.  I’m hooked on HDR ones lately.

Also, we may do some hiking, so a cached map (if it’s got something in maps), or photos of maps are essential.  Also, Endomondo or Tracks are good to just see where you went is neat.

Plus, I like to blog a little — so blogger is a nice way to tie all the apps together and keep the memories of the event.

  • Major urban centres, plenty of reception, but lots of walking (i.e. need long lasting battery)

We went to Toronto, and you could just walk and walk in that city all day.   There’s even a See Toronto app.  That helped in at least finding some things to do.  This is where the Schemer app came in handy too, with it’s new ‘what’s near me’ feature.  Poynt is supposed to be good as well, but I’ve never given it a try.

Google Maps was essential, as I could cache an area and use it for directions.  However that constant use of the GPS tended to have a heavy drain on the battery.

If you were driving, you may want to use Gas Buddy to help you find out where to get gas.


So that’s what I tend to use.  If there’s a specific destination we’re looking for, I try to see if there is an app for it as well.

Other possibilities you could use?

Probably your banking app… there’s just about one for every major bank now, as it’d be a good idea to ensure you can afford that cool souvenir.

There’s some hotel apps as well, but I’m a big PREPLANNER so we have all those accommodations set in motion before we set out.  Same with flights, and there’s plenty of flight apps available too.

Which apps/accessories do you need to bring with you on your phone when you go out?

Let’s hear what I’ve missed out on…

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