Portenzo Bookcase Giveaway!

Hey Nexus 7 owners! Did you check out my review of the Portenzo Bookcase for the Nexus 7? If not, check it out here because we have something special. We will be giving away one Nexus 7 Bookcase courtesy of Portenzo! We also have some runner up prizes up for grabs:

Just follow the instructions below in order to enter. All you have to do is follow us, or to earn more chances you can share on Twitter, Facebook or Google+! We would love to thank Portenzo for donating to us these awesome prizes to giveaway to you faithful fans.

If you still haven’t picked up a Nexus 7, what are you waiting for?! Check out our review of the Nexus 7 if you are still on the fence about it.

(This contest is for CANADIANS ONLY, in order to be considered as a recipient you must have a Canadian address)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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