More Unofficial ICS Roms Appear for Galaxy S II LTE (Skyrocket)

Just a quick little update here for you guys.

The Samsung Galaxy S II LTE (aka Skyrocket) have had a couple ICS leaks, which started out as really buggy as most leaks generally do.

Things are slowly starting to take shape as they leaks are starting to form in to some pretty decent usable roms. It seems no matter what Android phone you are using, we all seem to be marching towards the same goal, ICS.

If you interesting in trying some of these roms out, you can head to XDA’s Galaxy S II Skyrocket Development thread found here.

I must warn you though, these are early builds and will most likely contain many bugs. Experienced users should be the only ones attempting to flash these roms.

Currently there is no official release date for Ice Cream Sandwich on the Galaxy S II LTE, but with leaks appearing, you know the time is near.

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